Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pantent system of the past working for the future?

It's my personal belief that the current patent system in our country is flawed and needs to be reworked. Apple for example has a patent of rounded edges for smart phones. Even worse than the companies constantly trying to one up each other with law suits concerned patents that are outrageous, is the fact that evidence has come out of a no paper-trail agreement for not recruiting members of the other companies for which one would be terminated. The CEO's of these companies have emails that were exchanged showing that people were fired for "recruiting" others and those that were let go by these companies and pretty much black-balled from the job market between these companies.

I understand that in this industry it's highly competitive and that people are vessels with information that make them invaluable assets, but these companies are engaging in much shady business practice that I think the industry would be good without. My current feelings on the patent system is that it needs to be changed. And their business practices scrutinized.

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