Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Nationwide Wi-fi and Internet Pirates Loopholes

Starting off I think it is awesome that the FCC might okay the creation of a free nationwide Wi-fi network that could be strong enough to make phone calls and surf the web reducing costs. This would definitely help add the poorer working class Americans into the world of adding to the wealth of knowledge the internet holds. Hospitals and schools would benefit greatly from the introduction of this network allowing heart monitors to connect across town to the hospitals and would help bring down costs of technology for schools allowing more resources to be used for learning purposes and not upholding the connections to do so.

On the flip side there is another topic that internet pirate may rejoice in finding a loopholes to never getting that email about copyright infringement. The six strike rule being decided on by the powers controlling copyrights will give RIAA and ISPs the ability to slow your internet speeds to nothing when caught pirating. What does this mean for public networks at coffee shops and other businesses? Well these powers have said that these business are unaffected and will never get that email. So if your really into stealing music and movies all it takes is a business class plan for your internet or a trip to the coffee shop and you'll never get that email or have your speeds affected.

Combining the two subjects, what does one do to protect against piracy on the internet when everyone is going to link on one giant network. They have enough trouble stopping it while it's still privatized. Maybe it's time to give up on the war on piracy and start seeing the true beauty in the sharing of ideas.

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